Watering Plants in the Winter
Winter is a time of dormancy for many greeneries, but watering plants is still important. The soil may be dry, and the leaves may be gone, but the roots are still there, and they need moisture to survive until spring.
If you stop watering your plants in winter, they will suffer. Here are some reasons why it’s important to keep your plants hydrated during cold weather:
To prevent root damage
A lack of water in the soil can cause the roots to die back, which can lead to more serious issues later. If you’re watering plants excessively and then stop, it goes into shock and this could cause further damage to its roots and make the plant more susceptible to disease.
To keep fungus at bay
Fungus thrives in dry conditions and can lead to root rot if it gets out of control. Keeping your plants properly watered will help prevent this as much as possible.
To prevent plant death
During the winter, plants have reduced access to water in the soil, so they will depend on you to provide it for them. If you don’t water them, they will quickly die from dehydration. For example, when temperatures drop below freezing point, plants need more water than usual to remain healthy. Without watering plants properly, they may lose their leaves or become discolored due to lack of chlorophyll. This means that your garden will look less attractive, and you may also end up with diseases such as “frost burn” which can spread throughout your entire garden if not dealt with quickly enough.
To prevent browning leaves
If you don’t water your plants during the colder months, their leaves can start to turn brown or yellow because they’re not receiving enough nutrients from sunlight through photosynthesis. This happens because as temperatures drop, plants lose their ability to produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis as efficiently as they do during warmer months when there is more sunlight available for them to use in this process. When this happens, they require more nutrients than normal to stay healthy and green.
How to Properly Water Plants During the Winter?
Now that you know how important it is to water our plants in the winter, you may be tempted to water them daily because you want your plants to look good, but this will cause more harm than good. Watering plants this way can lead to root rot and fungal diseases that are difficult or impossible to treat.
Instead, water deeply once every three days during the winter months according to how much precipitation has fallen where you live and how warm it is outside. If you live in an area with little snow during the winter, then you should follow these steps:
Water deeply with 1 inch of water per week (1 inch every 7 days) using a slow-leak hose or drip irrigation system if possible. Make sure your soil drains well so excess water doesn’t sit on top of the soil or mulch around the base of your plant; this can cause root rot if there is no proper drainage system in place.
There are many ways that you can make sure your plants don’t get too thirsty while they’re dormant for the winter season:
You can use an automatic watering system by setting up a timer on your hose spigot so that it gushes out when needed.
You can also set up a drip irrigation system with emitters that will release small amounts of water at regular intervals.
Greenhouse protects plants from extreme cold and dryness during the winter to help them grow unhindered despite the change in seasons and weather.
Let the Experts Help with Your Winter Watering Needs
There are a lot of reasons to use the services of an expert landscaping company who also provide irrigation system services. Saving the time and money you might spend on service calls is one of them aside from having healthy good-looking plants throughout the winter. Over time, installing your own drip system will become easier and easier, which will save you money and give you more control over where and how plants are watered.
We can’t emphasize enough how important it is to winter water your Colorado garden. Sure, you may be able to squeeze by without it if you’re just creating a small flower bed, but if you’ve got shrubs and other large trees and plants that you’d like to keep around, winter watering plants is critical.